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Creating peace, tranquility and healing.

After being diagnosed with cancer at 30 Siobhan’s wellness journey began. She has spent the last eight years slowly and mindfully introducing ways to live a cleaner, kinder and more authentic life. Siobhan says the cancer was her final “universal push”, after years of little nudges. Nudges to change career, eating habits, state of mind, pace of life… So she changed her diet, introduced daily meditation and started redirecting her thoughts and actions towards healing, calm and positivity.

Now, eight years on and eight years clear, as the result of those life changes and learning, Siobhan is a fully qualified sound practitioner, meditation teacher, and Zen Space interior designer.

If you would like to attend Siobhan’s live Zoom classes every Thursday evening and see how these offerings can change your life,

please sign up here for the FREE 3 DAY TRIAL.

“When Siobhan leads you with her mesmerising voice, combined with her sound bowls, the result is quite transforming.

I dare say, magical.”